Aaron’s Story


Aaron Y.
Sobriety Date: April 15, 2021

My name is Aaron, I’m an alcoholic. My sobriety date is April 15th, 2021. I have a sponsor, a home group, a support group, and a new way of living. I was born in Lakewood Ohio . I had a good childhood, good parents, and everything I needed. But I was careless, selfish, and had a way of manipulating people from the start. My behavior had nothing to do with alcoholism. The way I thought and viewed the world was distorted. My life was about me and me alone. At 12 years old I started participating in activities that would lead to real consequences. Jail did nothing, I was going to do what I wanted to do regardless of anything.

When I was introduced to alcohol at 13, I knew my life would never be the same. I found everything I had ever wanted. Soon after I started drinking, my life became uncontrollable and unpredictable. Alcohol was in full control by 18, and I would do whatever I had to do to make sure I was able to continue on my alcohol fueled path of destruction to the end. Jail, rehab, jail, rehab, and drinking in between would be how I wasted most of my adult life, selfishly thinking I was only hurting myself. Unfortunately, everyone around me was suffering far worse than I was. And there was absolutely nothing anyone could do to stop me. My love for alcohol trumped anything and anyone in my life.

And there was absolutely nothing anyone could do to stop me. My love for alcohol trumped anything and anyone in my life.

In 2017 I was forced by the court to attend AA meetings. I would find meetings that would sign my court papers at the beginning so I could leave before it started. Except one time the person signing papers wasn’t signing any until after, and I had to sit through. I don’t remember what was said exactly but whatever it was got me thinking about my life, what a terrible person I had been for so many years, and that the person I was listening to sounded like they had lived a lonely useless life, hurting people and never ending trouble just like me, but claimed they found a way out! I didn’t stop drinking, and eventually I got out of trouble with the court and didn’t have to attend meetings anymore.

I ended up at the Ed Keating Center. I finally shut up and stopped trying to run the show.

But the seed was planted and eventually I found myself reaching out for help. I ended up at the Ed Keating Center. I finally shut up and stopped trying to run the show. I took advice and followed people that were doing the right things. I actually put in effort and the rewards I got from that are far more than I could have ever wanted or deserved. Everyone I lost because of my alcoholism are now very much back in my life, people trust me, I’m reliable, I’m able to support myself and do things I want to do, and do things for other people. Most importantly I have a relationship with my higher power. My life is absolutely wonderful and it all started at the front door of the Keating Center when I gave up and let someone help me.

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