Hi, my name is Kelly M. and I’m an alcoholic. My sobriety date is June 14, 2021. I have a sponsor, a co-sponsor, and a few support groups. I also incorporate the 12 steps in my life. I also have a home group. Most importantly I have a God, who I don’t understand all the time, I just have to trust him.
I’m the oldest of three. I was born 1979. My Grandparents raised me from the age five on. They tried their best to give us a good upbringing. My Grandmother also had us going to church. Of course I learned how to lie, cheat, and steal before I had my first drink. I was about 12 years old, and my Grandmother would trust me with her tithing money for the church. At first I would only take a little bit of the money and make out a new slip. Until I got tired of making out a new slip. That lasted until the end of that year. The Pastor and my Grandmother confronted me, of course I did try to lie about it.
I stopped going to church. Shortly after that I had my first drink, stolen from my Grandfather’s supply.
In 1994 my Grandmother passed away. I stopped going to church. Shortly after that I had my first drink, stolen from my Grandfather’s supply. I was also introduced to weed. Between 1994 to 1997, I took full advantage of my Grandfather working different types of hours. I would cut classes, most of the time the whole school day. I caught my first case ’cause it was a school day, I’m already high and didn’t want to stay in my last class. So I left, and a bit up the street was a church. A couple guys that I knew was already in there, so I joined the party. I was charged with breaking and entry and was put on probation for almost a year with community service.
By 1997, of course still occasionally drinking and smoking a lot of weed, I thought it would be a good idea to steal my Grandfather’s money out of his lock box. I got caught. Of course I try to lie about it. That didn’t work, so I moved out. I moved in with friends of the family. I ended up dropping out of school. Shortly after that my Grandfather was murdered by my Mom and three of her friends. Around this time I was introduced to AA. I only went for maybe 3 months. A few years later, my Mom was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. She did 10 years.
There was one night my Aunt pleaded with me to stop drinking ’cause I had signs of alcohol poisoning.
During those 10 years I started to drink way more. There was one night my Aunt pleaded with me to stop drinking ’cause I had signs of alcohol poisoning. During those 10 years, I lost my license for a hit and run. I passed out behind the wheel. I eventually moved in with a different friend and shortly after stole a blank check, had someone else make it out and cash it. Between 1999 and 2017 I only listed the crimes I wanted. I was in trouble with the Law a lot more.
By 2017 my mom and my brother and me was living at her house. She ended up passing away, and to this day I don’t remember her funeral. Shortly afterwards I started using coke/crack on top of weed and occasionally drinking. In late 2017 I was introduced to meth, along with picking up a couple of charges, one being theft. God was trying his best to do for me what I can’t do for myself. The main problem was I wasn’t ready to be thoroughly honest with anyone.
I skipped probation and at the same time ended up in my first treatment facility. This was late 2018. Not being honest with the facility, I felt I had to leave ’cause I’m still ditching probation. So eventually I got caught. Still allowed to remain on probation. (There’s more to this than what I’m telling. If anyone wants to know, just pull me to the side and ask.)
I told her, if she tests me, I will fail for weed. She said “Just weed?”
Of course I’m still not being honest with my probation officer, and a friend of mine mentioned the Keating Center. So I saw my probation officer (this was September 2019) and I came clean right away. I told her, if she tests me, I will fail for weed. She said “Just weed?” I got a little bit more honest, and I said “Yea, cause the meth should not show up ’cause I counted out the days.” Yes, I was playing the numbers game on my usage. She asked me what do I wanted to do. I mention the Keating Center, and she said she knows Marty. I stay sober for year and a half. Got my license back, got a car, doing pretty darn good. Until I took my will back and moved in with a friend that I knew was using. Wrecked the car and had warrant for not showing up for court.
So I got tired of being sick and tired. June 14, 2021 I called Marty and asked if I could come home. He told me to get my butt here now. Around June 29, 2021 I was told to go to Marty’s office. My Sister and her in-laws was in there and they told me my Brother passed away–it was due to Alcoholism. I was devastated. If it wasn’t for them and the guys that was in group with me, I hate to think what would’ve happened – also my friends in the program. The only way I can describe it was unconditional love.
What do I do today? Easy. I pray. Sometimes I journal, I go to meetings, I lead when I’m asked, I chair when I’m asked, I’m secretary of my home group, and I sponsor guys. I am forever grateful and thankful for Marty and The Keating Center, for the guys here at the 3/4 house, my sponsor and co-sponsor, all of my support groups, my Sister and her family, my home group, my sponsees and, most importantly, grateful and thankful to God.