Linda’s Story


My name is Linda H. I arrived at the Jean Marie House for Women in a van straight from detox on January 16, 2024 with the clothes on my back. I have been using alcohol and heroin on and off for over 30 years. I have been to jails, hospitals, and rehabs. In rehab, I was educated and directed on what to do if I wanted to remain sober. Well I did half and the bare minimum, and it never worked. It clearly says that in our book. I would be sober or dry and my life would get better (the outside) work, car, apartment etc. I would think that I was okay. It took me over 30 years to learn that recovery is an inside job, and if I don’t change the woman I was, I will use again.

… if I don’t change the woman I was, I will use again.

So when I arrived at Jean Marie I could hardly walk from a using injury, It slowed me down, and I began to listen to my sponsor and Michele Taft the Director of the Jean Marie House. Even though I thought they were having me do unfamiliar things like pray, inventory and helping others, I did it anyway. I gave up fighting everyone because I have never won my fights. My thinking started to change – my sponsor taught me how to work and apply the 12 Steps. Prayer connected me to a Higher Power that I have never had before, and I turn my will and my life over daily.

My thinking started to change – my sponsor taught me how to work and apply the 12 Steps.

I am still at the Jean Marie House. I had an old idea on wanting to move when I finished the program, but a very wise and respected person told me to stay – what’s my hurry? Today, there is no hurry. I am trusting the process of recovery and not trying to do things my way, letting God’s will happen. I am extremely grateful to the Ed Keating Center and Michele for taking me back. However, I can talk all day about how grateful I am, but it is in my actions. I try to do whatever I can to help and help others. Oddly, it helps me too. Most days I am peaceful and serene. That is what I tried to get using. All I wanted was peace. Never happened. Today, I just continue to do the work and it is so much simpler than the groundhog day that was out there!


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